Welcome to our rulebook,
Here you will find all relevant information to better understand and obey the rules, and avoid being punished for breaking them.
To report a breach of rules, you must provide all proof confirming the report. If you don't, your report will not be investigated thoroughly.
If there is no rule directly describing the violation, staff may use existing rules to deliver a fair decision.
Here is a list of general community rules. All community elements, including the Discord community, the game, private and public chats, and related servers where community members participate, are subject to these rules. Any violation of the community rules will result in the prescribed penalty in accordance with the rules.
1.1 Any form of hostility, insults, blackmail, harassment, toxic behavior, sharing inappropriate or disturbing content, sharing personal information, and the use of vulgar language is prohibited. This includes sharing facts or speculations about an individual's personal data, health condition, or mentioning family members in any context.
1.2 Promotion and mentioning of other communities are prohibited.
1.3 The use of alternative accounts is prohibited, especially to avoid penalties. Complicity in violating rules and withholding critical information is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, exploiting server bugs, hiding and participating in hiding illegal items, etc.
1.4 Spreading false information is prohibited.
1.5 Mentioning and sharing explicit content and content related to controversial historical events, personalities, and other personal beliefs is prohibited. This also applies to the personal profile of the community member.
1.6 Any violation of the platform's rules or guidelines that the community uses as a medium is prohibited.
1.7 Belonging to communities that directly or indirectly harm Warship and its members or hold hostile views towards it is prohibited.
Here is a list of game-related rules for Warship.
It is forbidden to use special benefits to cheat other players, which includes manipulating items by renaming them to make them look more valuable, or creating false item abilities using commands.
Theft is regulated as follows: petty theft is allowed and must be resolved by the community. However, stealing significant amounts of money from a land's treasury or items from other players is not allowed, unless players who are not part of the land can steal, which is not considered theft. It is not allowed to kick players from your land just to remove their graves, chests, etc.
Large-scale griefing within land or in the wilderness within a 3-chunk radius around land is prohibited. If staff determines that the griefing is particularly severe, it will be considered a major offense and punished more strictly than regular griefing. Destroyed roads in the world will be punished (Rails, ice roads, etc.).
The use of lava and water, sand, gravel (destructible blocks) for creating large constructions or traps is strictly prohibited. This is generally considered more serious griefing and is banned under all circumstances, both in protected lands and in the wilderness.
Extreme resource gathering may be considered griefing based on the staff's judgment and decision.
Traps are allowed, but each trap must be carefully designed so that it provides a clear exit or escape opportunity for players affected by the trap, ensuring they are not trapped or blocked within it.
Building inappropriate structures or signs is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to:
The use of TNT cannons and machines that enable block movement is prohibited. Also prohibited are automatic farms for gaining XP that function without player interaction.
Any interaction between two players is considered roleplay.
Disrupting the flow of roleplay, destabilizing the server, and performing unrealistic actions within roleplay are prohibited.
To declare war, you must provide a quality and meaningful roleplay announcement. The war is then declared in-game, followed by a 24-hour preparation period from the declaration.
Delaying a war is possible with a valid reason. A request for a delay must be submitted within 24 hours of the war declaration, with an obligatory explanation. Approval by staff is required before the preparation period can be extended.
Wars can only be declared from claims that are constructed cities – the claim must be functional and recognized as a built city before a war can be declared.
Battles are fought exclusively for one city; the attacker must specify which city is being targeted. Expanding the battlefield to multiple territories is prohibited.
Rebellion can only be declared by the rightful owner of the city when they have a justified reason. Rebellions declared without full control over the contested territory will be rejected.
If one side does not appear, the side that does show up automatically wins.
Removing cities from a nation that declared war, immediately before or after the declaration, is prohibited.
Ranks can be transferred to a different username/player, once, within 30 days of the initial purchase. You may do this by opening a ticket in the Warship discord.
Refund is available in the following cases:
Refunds and claims are not available after a successful transaction.